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Depending on available source, Offline Locator will find cell phones with GPS, WiFi or Cell Tower location data. First step is GPS. If it's unreachable, app will try over WiFi and last source is cell tower network data.
Offline Locator accuracy strongly depends on data source. GPS and WiFi location data is very precise but cell tower network location data can vary from few hundred meters to few thousands. In urban areas cell tower network location data is relatively good because of many towers near cell phone and good signal strength!
Offline Locator app needs to be installed on tracking cell phone also because communication between cell phones is established via small messages. So, It's very important to remember that you need to install this Offline Locator app on the tracking cell phone also even before adding any data in the phonebook!
For testing purposes you can always add in Offline Locator phonebook same phone number for requestor and for tracking cell phone and Offline Locator app will find location of your own cell phone!
Now, listen to this! User can always turn off it's locator and deny location data to any requestor! Even better, user can decide which requestor can and which can not find his cell phone! If you find the app which can do the same, please let us know!
It's not finished yet! Let's be honest, there are always occasions when location data is unreachable. Good example is airplane, tunnel or cellar where even signal of telecom operator is unavailable. On tracking cell phone user can resolve this also simply by switching on an option for sending location data automatically and allow requestor to look at history location data!
Offline Locator is very simple application without unnecessary fancy fetchers and beautiful graphics but it will help you to locate cell phones especially in cases when one is not answering your calls and their Location services, GPS device, Data or WiFi services are turned off!
Why this Offline Locator app? Why it's handy? Why not to have other app? Well, if you are parent, it's important to know where is your child. Sometimes they are late and they are indoors where GPS signal is low...WiFi is not available...data is switched off...what then...maybe you are thinking it can't happen, but it's can and it's happening all the time... Now we hope that you understood that you must have this app, since it will help you to find your loved ones in almost any circumstances!
Depends which is available Offline Locator app utilize three ways of communications:
- SMS messaging
- email to SMS messaging
Offline Locator app can use email to SMS messaging option only if you have an email from your GSM telecom operator which will send SMS for every email you received!
Offline Locator app only email option utilize Gmail account. This way of communication is most convenient and saves money but there are some prerequisite!
Since Offline Locator utilize Gmail, you need to create an Gmail account. While you are signed in go to this link:
to allow apps access! The best way is to create one new Gmail account an use it only for this communication purposes. Single Gmail account can be used for an unlimited number of cell phones!
Offline Locator app email push up messages service is established via android notification listener service. We recommend to install free and tested MailDroid email client app from Google Play, configure Gmail account and set Show subject in notification option. Install MailDroid on tracking cell phone also and set same or different Gmail account with Show subject in notification option! As a last step add Gmail account to phonebook and you are done. First test by adding in phonebook same phone numbers!
Congrats for choosing Offline Locator geolocation expert app!